caring for an elderly dog
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caring for an elderly dog

When your dog doesn't seem interested in eating his food, do you know what to do? When your dog vomits often, could there be something serious wrong with him? If he struggles to get up the stairs, does he need to see a vet? Having never owned an older dog, I knew nothing about the things that can begin to go wrong when dogs age. I adopted this guy when my neighbor moved into a nursing home and had to learn a lot about how to care for an older dog. My blog is filled with the many things that I have learned over the last year through the help of my vet.


caring for an elderly dog

Answering Common Pet Vaccination Questions

Lucy Grant

Protecting your pet from illness is likely a critically important goal for most pet owners. However, it is an unfortunate fact that many people lack an appreciation of the importance of vaccines, which can cause their pets to be at a higher risk of developing illnesses. In particular, there are a couple of questions that pet owners often have about these routine shots, and learning the answers may help you to ensure your pet is as safe as possible from these threats. 

What If You Do Not Get Your Pet Vaccinated?

For a variety of reasons, some people will simply not get their pets vaccinated. In addition to exposing them to a higher risk of developing illnesses, this can also cause numerous problems for you. There are many apartment complexes that require all pets to be fully vaccinated, and if it is discovered that your pet has not been, you may face eviction or steep penalties. 

In addition to problems with your apartment, it is also possible to face disciplinary action from your local community. Many cities require pet owners to obtain a license for their animals, and a stipulation for receiving this license is providing documentation that the pet has been vaccinated. Failure to get your pet licensed can result in civil fines or the animal being taken away from you. 

What If Your Pet Misses a Shot in a Series?

There are many different pet vaccines that must be given in a series of shots. These shots are often spaced out over several weeks, so be careful to not put off the appointments. Doing so will force the veterinarian to restart the series, which will leave your pet exposed to these diseases longer and drive up the cost of the vaccinations. Vaccines that are adjusted in a series are done so to gradually strengthen the immune system's ability to recognize and fight the pathogen. Unfortunately, if you miss a shot in the series, your pet's resistance to the disease will be severely compromised. By restarting the entire vaccination process, your pet will be far more likely to develop a robust resistance to the pathogen. 

Vaccinations are the first line of defense against a host of diseases that can impact your beloved pet. By understanding the consequences for failing to vaccinate your pet as well as the need to never miss a shot in a series, you will be better able to keep your pet safe from the various health risks they will encounter on a daily basis. Locate an animal clinic near you, such as Basking Ridge Animal Hospital, to put your dog on the path to good health.
